"In this journey, Van Gogh’s artworks and life are transformed into an audiovisual storytelling in four parts, with digital interpretations and futuristic predictions.
We start by diving into his subconsciousness, and then witness the beginnings of his career. We chase the sun with him to the South, where he paints many signature works. His manic episodes take us to his hospital room in Saint Rémy, where he recreates endless scenery through his confinement window.
Through his eyes, paintings turn into living sceneries and futuristic 3D environments. Finally, an AI analyzes over 2.000 Van Gogh artworks, and generates imagery in his style with high-dimensional algorithms and neural networks."
Direction & Design: Nohlab
Music Direction, Music and Sound Design: Gökalp Kanatsız
Visual Artists: Nohlab, Alexandre Le Guillou, Berkay Türk, Cue Istanbul, Emre Bayar, motionmatik
Machine Learning & Creative Coding: Hakan Gündüz
Technical Content Direction: Fehmican Gözüm
Dublin, Ireland | Royal Dublin Society
18' 00''

Van Gogh: An Immersive Journey
Immersive Installation
Music Direction, Music, Sound Design