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"In an age where we accept the mechanics of our organic bodies and try to turn our mechanic productions into organic, ”The units” , by applying a stochastic code in a contemporary fashion to its own so called organic mechanical structure, creates an observable universe. These units which move in this universe where repetition only occurs when reached infinity, are in front of our eyes as the universe’s very simple principle.

Designed as 6 different series , ”The Refract Units” is the second one of the ”The Units” installations. It is an interactive robotic happening which allows people to experience the perceptual refractions."

The random data that controls the mirrors is integrated into a custom PureData patch. This allows pre-recorded sounds to be triggered and processed in real time based on the data received.


Concept & Design: Ersan Arslan

Sound Design, Audio Programming & Music: Gökalp Kanatsız

Istanbul, Turkey | Sonar Istanbul



The Refract Units V2

Kinetic Installation
Sound Design, Audio Programming, Music

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